Speakin' to oneself
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#117 [大好き!匿名]
if u ignore mi why u ask mi like dat?? i don't get it! dats makes mi pissed off. WTF

⏰:17/06/02 19:07 📱:iPhone 🆔:55.sfdIQ

#118 [大好き!匿名]
don't make mi feel miserable anymore men.plz

⏰:17/06/03 23:54 📱:iPhone 🆔:qBulG/e.

#119 [大好き!匿名]
i'm so cold right now!! i need u now😔

⏰:17/06/04 03:57 📱:iPhone 🆔:403UZOr2

#120 [大好き!匿名]
if you have one why don't u say so??

⏰:17/06/05 08:25 📱:iPhone 🆔:XhBfFU5U

#121 [大好き!匿名]
i hate to say that but i want to die to hell. because i don't want to feel like this pain anymore. it's like slying mi

⏰:17/06/05 10:15 📱:iPhone 🆔:XhBfFU5U

#122 [大好き!匿名]
i hate u i hate u i hate u
i don't wanna feel pain anymore
if u wanna do dat way kill mi first

⏰:17/06/06 01:45 📱:iPhone 🆔:U6nAePjY

#123 [大好き!匿名]
really?? i never hear dat word from u!! i didn't know dat u can say dats word. now i got dat u really wanna lose mi. fuck u matherfucker

⏰:17/06/06 01:54 📱:iPhone 🆔:U6nAePjY

#124 [大好き!匿名]
thank u 4 hurts mi a lot.
u so kind to ather girls b never for mi.
u always ignore mi n never call mi name either.
fuck yourself busta

⏰:17/06/06 02:00 📱:iPhone 🆔:U6nAePjY

#125 [大好き!匿名]
yesterday late night he came here, n he wasn't dranker this time. i'm so surprised he treat mi as same as always. he kissed mi hug mi without drinking.
dat was makes mi so confusing...
i think i could never understand what mens thinking.
he never go out with mi n never call mi name... it's not make sense!
ather girls have name on his phone b i'm apple mark.
i don't wanna confuse anymore, so I'll not think about this anymore.

⏰:17/06/11 02:54 📱:iPhone 🆔:VHV1LcHM

#126 [大好き!匿名]
i realize dat he think he can hurt mi cuz i'm dat kind of woman. that why he choose mi this time.

⏰:17/06/13 01:32 📱:iPhone 🆔:OS4G14wQ


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