Speakin' to oneself
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#97 [大好き!匿名]
i hete ya big bear

⏰:17/03/17 01:31 📱:iPhone 🆔:DDONeKYQ

#98 [大好き!匿名]
byebye big bear

⏰:17/03/18 01:43 📱:iPhone 🆔:JKmYf/.2

#99 [大好き!匿名]
impossible to understand

⏰:17/03/26 17:49 📱:iPhone 🆔:Uwv/zUbE

#100 [大好き!匿名]

⏰:17/03/27 19:58 📱:iPhone 🆔:rfgX7mnE

#101 [大好き!匿名]
finally i said gb to him. b he never told mi what he think

⏰:17/03/27 20:00 📱:iPhone 🆔:Of0TDBbM

#102 [大好き!匿名]
i don't understand why he apologize to me?? what about??

⏰:17/04/20 01:31 📱:iPhone 🆔:aU62jvdo

#103 [大好き!匿名]
do you think i'm ok with dat u don't answer my line?? hell not

⏰:17/04/20 18:54 📱:iPhone 🆔:aU62jvdo

#104 [大好き!匿名]
so sad dat u don't reply my line.. i just wanna know dat, but u don't say anything... its hurts mi so much. help mi god. i don't wanna feel like this anymore

⏰:17/05/05 04:21 📱:iPhone 🆔:WRps12/I

#105 [大好き!匿名]
too childish men!! why don't u say da truth??

⏰:17/05/05 19:10 📱:iPhone 🆔:WRps12/I

#106 [大好き!匿名]
men please don't leave me without say anything. that is my only hope. let me know that. i know dat u don't need mi by ur side, b i really care about u almost 1year. you're not perfect n good men n u never treat mi like good enough b i still care about u. i don't know this is love or affection... cuz we don't spend much time for get know each other.

⏰:17/05/13 08:30 📱:iPhone 🆔:a14wzmic


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